Residents Fight Sale of East Roseville Bowling Club Site to Developers

East Roseville Bowling Club Warrane Road
Photo Credit: Google Maps

North Shore residents are pushing back against the planned sale of the former East Roseville Bowling Club site along Warrane Road in Roseville Chase. 

A group of concerned locals has launched a petition to ensure that the property will return to the community and not be sold to developers. More than 700 people have signed the petition to save the site. 

In July 2021, Ku-ring-gai Council sought to rezone sections of Warrane Road for low density housing by lodging a planning proposal

As the owner of the property since 1948, Council has been leasing the site to the East Roseville Bowling Club. However, in June 2017, the club decided to terminate its lease following its merger with the Linfield Bowling Club. The group cited dwindling membership and operational difficulties as some of the reasons for the union. The Warrane Road has been vacant since East Roseville Bowling Club’s shutdown. 

East Roseville Bowling Club Warrane Road
Photo Credit: Change.Org petition

NSW Government approved Ku-ring-gai Council’s proposal as of mid-2022. 

“The original intent of the reclassification of the site to “operational land” was to allow Council to permit the subdivision of the site so as to have the cottage within the south western corner of the site and its associated curtilage with its own lot and title,” Council said in its proposal for Warrane Road. 

“This was then intended to be rezoned in the future to R2 Low Density Residential which would have allowed the future lawful residential use of the site whilst retaining the public recreational zoning of the remainder of the site for ongoing use.”

However, residents have complained that consultations regarding these plans have been “almost non-existent.” 

“The pandemic has highlighted more than ever the need for public recreational space,” the group said in the petition. “Being a local, we were sad to see the bowlers depart a number of years ago, but found solace in the fact that the area is still being actively used by locals of all ages. With limited local parks available, residents are enjoying this space for exercise, bringing their dogs for a play, as well as local kids spending the afternoon having a kick around.” 

Locals have also established the Save the East Roseville Bowling Club from Development on Facebook as Council has resolved to push through with the sale. 

Published 21 January 2023